In Part 2 of the Webinar “How Research Sites Can Win With Decentralized Trials” the panelists cover questions like:
– Are decentralized trials the answer to patient diversity?
– Why should we explore research-naive hospitals?
– How can we comply with regulations while still being flexible?
– How can we increase awareness of clinical trials in patients who need them?
– Why awareness is not enough and how should patients be guided once they have found a trial?
Raymond Nomizu from Clinical Research IO, a site-centered electronic Source and CTMS solution;
Edye T. Edens, Senior Research Compliance Consultant at First Class Solutions;
Daniel Perez, Chief Operating Officer at MACRO Trials – a Site Optimization Organization (SOO);
Maya Zlatanova, CEO of FindMeCure Ltd, TrialHub – Better Feasibility, More Business. LinkedInTwitterEmail
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