PROMETRIKA, LLC and FindMeCure, Ltd. Partner to Bring Clinical Research Closer to Patients

PROMETRIKA, LLC, a global full-service clinical research organization (CRO) based in Cambridge, MA and FindMeCure Ltd, a technology company based in the UK, announced today that they will be working together toward the common goal of creating a bridge between patients and the clinical research world. What brings these two companies together is their shared values and investment in supporting the people whose lives are most impacted by the innovations clinical research brings – the patients.

PROMETRIKA, supporting the biopharmaceutical and medical device industries since 2003, is known for providing expert, professional services to local, national and international clients who develop innovative and promising new therapies. PROMETRIKA offers full services in clinical operations, data management, biostatistics and programming, medical writing, pharmacovigilance, and regulatory submissions.

TrialHub is a feasibility and patient recruitment cloud-based platform created by FindMeCure that covers information on disease indications in 70 countries. The system structures thousands of data sources about patients, regulations, and sites to predict clinical trial operations and budgets. TrialHub relies on a network of local experts to anticipate country-related challenges and identify opportunities for speeding patient recruitment.

By relying on TrialHub, PROMETRIKA will be better equipped to support clinical research sponsors in the strategic planning and execution of trials. TrialHub empowers CROs to utilize large databases by organizing thousands of data sources and combining them with country insights for a more efficient trial site feasibility process. This ultimately translates into bringing medical innovation closer to the patients who need it most.

“Since we started FindMeCure, one thing we noticed getting in the way of recruitment was the misalignment between the clinical trial planning and what actually happens real-time at the sites. We knew that if we wanted to have a real impact on trials and bring them closer to the patients, we needed to work with CROs. I am delighted that PROMETRIKA is among our partners, a company open to adapt and grow in order to bring better results to their clients and patients,” said Maya Zlatanova, CEO of FindMeCure Ltd.

“We appreciate the close alignment in the companies’ shared vision of how data and analytics can simplify and streamline conducting clinical trials”, said Dr. Miganush Stepanians, CEO and President of PROMETRIKA. 

Chelsey Ryan, Associate Director of Clinical Operations and Pharmacovigilance at PROMETRIKA, commented on the use of the tool, “With TrialHub we can more efficiently identify sites and make feasibility recommendations to our sponsors, backed by real-world outcomes data. We can also easily model different scenarios and see the impact to study start-up timelines. That flexibility allows us to remain agile even when unpredictable events—like the COVID-19 pandemic—occur, and proactively mitigate risks. The combination of TrialHub’s analytical capabilities and our subject matter expertise enables us to better support our sponsors’ ultimate goal: getting new, innovative therapies to patients, faster.”

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