Digital alternatives to capturing patient reported outcomes from a matter of convenience quickly transformed into a life-saver for your trial once Covid-19 made patients stay at home and forced many studies to go virtual. Not only can ePRO/eCOA solutions help your trial stay on track but they can also reduce costs and save you some time. We composed a list of providers which will help you ensure the survival of your trial while also taking your operations to the next level.
Medidata offers a centralized platform for managing patient-centred clinical trial data. Rave eCOA/ePRO consists of an application capable of capturing, tracking, analyzing, visualizing and reporting multiple types of information related to a specific clinical trial. It intends to present a unified system to help you avoid duplicative data entry, multiple data migrations, and, subsequently to ease harmonization of patients’ data.
The TrialMax eCOA platform by Signant Health handles data quality considerations and offers the latest eCOA technology backed by extensive experience in science, operations, and regulations, across therapeutic areas and countries. TrialMax can be used for ePROs, eDiaries, eClinROs, eObsROs and sensors & wearables. It is accessible via app, web, or provisioned device. It works alongside their eConsent and Patient Engagement solutions.
Choose an eCOA solution that combines advanced features, device flexibility and excellent user experience for sponsors, sites and patients. YPrime offers different eCOA modalities to fit the site and patient ePRO and eCOA needs while boosting compliance.
The Lumenis ePRO module by Clinical Ink is designed to help you get better insights and improve your decision-making process. It simultaneously improves patient experience and data quality by integrating full-service digital patient engagement with a configurable point-and-click ePRO spanning multiple therapeutic areas. For the patient, there is In-App Patient Training Diary which upon completion will transmit to the study database with a record of patient training. For the sponsor, this solution includes a Fully Configurable and Sponsor-Specific Library to support the creation, locking, and importing of questionnaires.
The ePRO platform by Castor allows you to easily create complex surveys and set automation. You can use pre-built templates and schedule follow-up surveys as well as send participants reminders. Also, Castor ePRO is already pre-integrated with Castor EDC.
This solution by OpenClinica is designed with the participant in mind but it’s data managers that love the benefits of their ePRO platform. Data entered by participants is immediately available to you and you can automatically send reminders when their data is due.
For greater control over costs, timelines and patient safety, Medrio ePRO handles all the complexities of patient reported outcome data, from automated notifications and data collection to the support of popular quality of life (QOL) instruments.
LifeSphere eCOA by Aris Global improves protocol compliance and data quality by helping you run faster and more effective clinical trials. The intuitive and unified electronic clinical outcomes assessment solution for trials allows patients to enter data directly on any mobile device so that sponsors can have real-time access to the data.
Engage sites and patients to improve outcomes with the ERT eCOA solution. ERT developed their eCOA platform so you can benefit from high-quality, regulatory-compliant data and real-time insights into patient safety and study performance 24/7.
Kayentis believes that one-size-fits-all is not the right approach, so their eCOA solution supports multiple devices to adapt to the therapeutic area and the budget of the study and serve patients of all ages and backgrounds. Clinicians, patients and caregivers can complete entries directly on a tablet as part of the patient visit or patients can complete entries on their smartphone or computer through eDiaries. The Kayentis companion app is available on all of their eCOA solutions, or as a stand-alone to help you remain connected to patients.
The iMednet integrated ePRO module makes onsite and offsite data capture easy for both patients and research coordinators. ePRO allows for patients or coordinators to intuitively enter study-related information and is accessible from anywhere. The solution includes patient to-do lists and automatic email notifications. In light of the Covid-19 crisis, Mednet will offer 50% off to support research organizations conducting any type of immunology-related research, including clinical studies on COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics and treatments.
Do you need to know which countries will allow you to incorporate ePRO in your decentralized clinical trial? You can check out the most current guidelines in our 2022 Report on Decentralized Clinical Trial Regulations.
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Koneksa’s software can drastically improve the accessibility of eCOAs, providing a cost-effective and flexible platform to reach patients more frequently, on any internet-enabled device.
Ennov offers a digital alternative to patient diaries to help you limit errors, enforce patient compliance, save time and limit costs associated with patient data collection. The data is electronically captured and then immediately checked for validity, consistency and completeness before it is available to the investigators and site staff responsible for monitoring. It makes it easy for patients to complete questionnaires and report pain levels.
The ePRO solution is available as a fully integrated part of studies running on the TrialKit platform OR stand-alone tool for studies conducted outside of the TrialKit platform.
assisTek’s Electronic Outcomes module is designed to support any questionnaire used in a clinical trial. This includes Patient Reported Outcomes, Clinician Reported Outcomes, and Clinician Rating Scales.
This solution built by uMotif is human-centred and compliant – it captures eCOA, ePRO, eDiaries, eConsent, symptom, and wearables data while ensuring high levels of engagement.
Captivate eCOA/ePRO includes advanced features to capture data from patients or observers and automatically integrate unified responses into your EDC System.
Real-time data provides you with full visibility of key trial information. Their Electronic Patient Diaries and ePRO Solutions are accessible from any device to improve patient compliance.
ViedocMe is an app that lets your participants report data comfortably through their phones or tablets at any time. You can set automatic reminders, notifications or e-mails to make sure you collect data you need within the designated time frame.
Are you planning to incorporate virtual modalities in your trial? Finding vendors can be a real challenge. Check out The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Trial Vendors.